Random, lunatic ramblings of an ADHD introvert, seeking a sense of self, a place in the world, inner peace, and at least a semblance of calm. Sharing my many faces, inner turmoils, battles and triumphs.

Thursday, January 24, 2013
Helloooo Mania!
Hello, my dear friend. Long time no see, and I have missed you sorely. I do hope you can stick around for a longer visit this time around, I have so much to do and am wasting an inordinate amount of time sleeping. I have always known that the downside of my meds is that they are inclined to keep you at arm's length, and limit your visits to a few measly days, or even less. True, my mind is all a-scatter with you cohabitating inside of Brain, but I am okay with that. I am feeling the need to run, shout, laugh, swim, lift weights, and generally act like the ADHD child that I keep bundled up inside of me. Well, that child is wanting to run rampant right now and is only held in check by the sternest of taskmasters; Me. Yes, me. I am having to rein myself in just long enough to make it to the end of the working day, and let me tell you, this is no easy task. I feel Heart pounding in eagerness to escape the bounds of banality, the restrictions of reality, the confines of the commonplace. I feel the twitching beneath my skin that precedes spastic explosions of energy. I am too hot, too cold, dry mouthed, sweaty. Amazed at how Mania manifests itself within the confines of this skin bag that is me. I have often wondered just how I might tap into this super power and use it to my own benefit, call upon it in time of need, let the energy flow. If I could control this power I would be nigh on invincible, unstoppable. If I could manage this energy, use it as the power plant of my life, I know I could fly. Despite the unpredictability of your visits, Mania my dear, I am glad you are here, and I will enjoy you while I can.
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