I've been thinking a lot about Heart these days. My heart, family's heart, friend's heart. There is so much ache, soul searching, loss, and grief rippling through the lives of those I cherish, including myself.
I know part of this is the ongoing stress and anxiety of the current geopolitical wreckage and chaos that swirls about, beyond our control. We, as a whole, are suffering from battle fatigue. I include in this the angry, racist assholes who have recently felt the need and justification to scream their bigotry and hatred to the world. No, I am not going to make excuses for their horrific behavior. But, one of the powers of an empath is to see the world through the eyes of another. I feel that some of this invective spewing hatred comes from a deep sense of futility, helplessness, and struggle brought on by the widening gap between the Haves and the Have-nots. They still believe that the "American Dream" is a reality, a right, and within their reach, if only there wasn't *someone* standing in their way. They need to blame someone for their own failure to reach the level of prosperity that generations before us were able to obtain on a lower income, working class paycheck. They won't see that this has slipped away. They still think this has to be *somebody's fault.* Feel free to fill in the blank of who should be blamed. I don't condone the behavior, or am I making excuses. It is abhorrent, but I can see where their hatred comes from.
That being said, I, and so many that I know and love, are fighting to maintain even the tiniest fingerhold on that fantasy that we should be able to survive and thrive if we have a job, work hard, and don't waste money where it shouldn't be wasted. These days though, wasting money is as simple as maybe picking up a pizza instead of sticking to the grocery budget. Or ordering that $5 book online that you've wanted for years. Or buying new socks and underwear. Gods forbid if you should have a financial emergency like a broken down car. Then you are doomed.
Life is hard and getting harder. The world powers and problems loom over us like a lug-soled leather boot over an ant colony. There is little we can do to calm the gross problems that are affecting us now and will only increase in the next months and years, possibly decades.
This brings me back to Heart. Mine, your's, our's. I protect my heart, as a general rule. But if I love you, I will love you with all my heart. It is all I know how to do. In this day and age I feel that Love for Each Other is the greatest Super Power available. It is what will save us from utter destruction. In the fairly recent past I was told that I have "a Hero's Heart," and that I have a "Heart, strong and true, though loyal to a fault." This from two people who's opinions I do trust, and these comments made me both proud and humble. I am not absolutely sure what it means, except that I do Love with All My Heart. And I understand the power of Love, the power of Heart, the power of Light.
In these, some of our darkest of days, knowing that darker days are likely in our future, we need the Light of strong Hearts to prevent our slipping into the dark abyss. We need the kind of strength that comes from love and loyalty of friends and family. In the end I think it will save us all. Or, if not, at least I know that I will go down fighting.